Why Choosing the Right Typography Is Important For a Web Designer

Published on by Jack Dohnson

Whenever a website is designed or redesigned, it is in tandem with the type of business, and with respect to the contents, graphics are designed and typography is decided. Well, there are web designers Cardiff who do their job so well but many fail to make an impression when the website goes live on the internet. A web design company is all about right strategy and right approach towards the business for which it is going to work. You may find some really good web designers in Cardiff who can help you with this.

Web Designer Cardiff

Things a web designer should keep in mind about typography while designing a website.


When you design a website, you don’t want it to be hidden in some part of web world. You would like it to be visible to the audience it is targeted to and have its rank higher than other websites in competition. One of the foremost things is the readability of the page. If the fonts, types and size are not appropriate then the people are not going to waste even a single minute on it and would move to the another one. Making it readable would make the job of an audience easy.


Choosing a right typeface has no thumb rule. While you can select and experiment with few of the most widely used type face; showing to your client and agreeing upon mutually is the way to make selection an easy process. The typeface that is used should look good, make a tidy impression and be readable. That’s it.


The web designers generally use two types of typeface for a single website, one for the body copy and another for the headline. While selecting the pairing one must remember as how both will look together-look too similar or different. Don’t create a hotchpotch.


The size should be proper and should look neat while reading. The body copy and the headline, both should be aligned with the fonts that create an impressive symmetry. Well, for the good reputed companies providing services in web design in Cardiff, this is not an issue, for they are in this business for long and have produced great work over the year.

Published on Web-Design

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